Vibrant Health. Vibrant Life.
Vibrant You.

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Building Health From the Ground Up

If the foundation is shaky, you can’t support a solid structure on it. This is as true for a building as it is for your body. Our bodies are complex and nuanced, performing thousands of functions for us every second of every day. But if we strengthen and support our foundational systems, we can build amazing and vibrant health for the rest of our lives.

Using state-of-the-art lab testing, personalized therapies, and education, I help you build the strongest foundation possible, so you can reclaim the vibrancy and joy you are missing from your daily experience.

Elizabeth Gaines
microscope in a lab

Discovering the Cause

Treating symptoms is putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. It may work for a little while. We may even feel better for a little while. But that won’t last. Eventually, we have to heal the wound.

In the same way, we can mask symptoms with pharmaceuticals or supplements, but to actually improve your health, I will investigate,  discover, and heal whatever is causing your symptom.

Test, Don’t Guess.

Similar symptoms can have different sources. The only way to know what is at the root of your symptoms is to test. By getting to know you  and your lifestyle, and using non-invasive, in-home testing, I can identify the unique root of your health issues.

Your Personal Health Detective

You are unique. The solution to your health challenges can’t be found in a one-size-fits-all program. I won’t stop digging till we find the roots causes of your health issues, and I will be with you every step of the journey, offering personalized programs and support, until you feel vibrant, strong and completely restored.  

You Are Your Best Doctor

Through our 3 to 6 months together, I teach you a self-care model of maintaining your health, in which you are educated and empowered to make the best choices you. My method will mean you need me progressively less as you understand what is right for your own body. You will become your best advocate for your health now and in the future!


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